首页 娱乐八卦 汪小菲在餐厅对店员发火,跟老婆坐下后又突然走人


On the 17th of August, Taiwanese media outlets reported an incident involving Wang Xiaofei, who allegedly lost his temper at a restaurant in Taipei. According to eyewitness accounts, Wang and his wife Mandy had a reservation for 8:15 PM but showed up early at around :20 PM, requesting immediate seating. The staff informed them that their table was still being prepared, which prompted Wang to erupt, demanding loudly, “Are you guys out of your minds? Why can't we sit at an empty table?” After about twenty minutes, the couple were seated but then abruptly left without ordering, simply telling the bewildered server that they had changed their minds and “weren't hungry after all.”



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