首页 娱乐八卦 张译牵线搭桥,殷桃与张艺谋结缘,曾携手闯荡《鸡毛飞上天》七年啦!


On the evening of August 4th, amidst the glamorous setting of the Hundred Flowers Awards ceremony, Zhang Yi was spotted seated alongside his former co-star, Yin Tao. The occasion provided a unique opportunity for introductions, as Zhang Yi took the chance to acquaint Yin Tao with renowned director Zhang Yimou.


It's been seven years since the duo starred together in the television series "To the Sky on Chicken Feathers," a performance that garnered them both accolades at the White Magnolia Awards in 2017, where they were recognized as Best Actor and Actress respectively. Reflecting on their journey, Zhang Yi shared during his acceptance speech that he had initially hesitated to take on the role. It was a fortuitous encounter in a parking garage where Yin Tao convinced him to reconsider and delve deeper into the script. That conversation proved pivotal, leading not only to the creation of the series but also to the prestigious awards they both received.

Moreover, it's worth noting that Zhang Yi has collaborated with director Zhang Yimou on several occasions, featuring in films such as "One Second," "Cliff Walkers," "Sniper" and "The Great Wall."



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